Project Management

Make online documentation safe and hassle-free

Convenient, secure paperwork solutions that integrate with your CRM. Make documentation a collaborative process between your employees and your owners.
Propflo real estate crm software
Mobile app

Direct document upload for owners

With our user-friendly app available on owners’ mobile devices, document uploads sync immediately to your cloud for quick retrieval.

Credentials for owner access to mobile app and portal

User friendly document upload process

Document vault

Secure and convenient storage

Make documentation safe for your buyers and easy to retrieve for your employees. Legal work has never been more dynamic.

Industry standard security protocols

Easy to access storage

Automations & notifications

Send notifications when documents are needed

Create and automate customizable notifications to alert buyers when and which documents are needed to take things forward.

Push notifications about due or overdue documents

Automatically send emails or SMS notifications based on schedules or custom triggers

Get started

Cut out back and forth with a unified documentation solution

Paperwork can be a synergy between your organization and your buyers with the right tools. Our CRM enables you to make documentation efficient, secure, and dynamic.

Close sales with intelligence. Build connections that keep coming back.

Start your trial today.
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Powered By Bento Labs

Bento Labs is a new-age startup that blends practicality with SaaS for companies that want to scale their processes with use cases that truly matter! The bigger picture? Building value for money software for even the smallest business needs.