
Robust lead management solutions

Organize, engage, and convert leads with a workflow that suits your business. Then, take it a step further with AI and automation—all built with your leads in mind.
Propflo real estate crm software
Lead profiles

Create and manage data-rich lead profiles

Import and organize your leads, populate their profiles with relevant data, assign leads as tasks for users, and generate a complete engagement timeline.

Import leads from CSV, website, social media, and more

Tag leads with relevant source or other user defined criteria

Add running notes and comments to lead profiles

Assign leads as tasks for users to connect via call or message

Artificial intelligence

AI-powered lead engagement

Leverage AI researched lead information including their keywords, professional and personal details, social feeds, and more to generate the perfect conversation.

AI generated engagement score based on interaction timeline

Insights and attributes populated by AI research

Auto-generated conversation starters

Automations and more

Automation, workflows, and analytics

Manage opportunities with a visual board that displays the progress and status of each item and view statistics on all tasks.

Kanban, a workflow visualization board, to view open, won, and lost profiles

Filter and sort by custom rules

Customize information to display for kanban profiles

Calculate sum, median, and mean aggregates by category

Quick schedule meetings from lead profile

Choose how to assign leads to users: automatically, in a specific order, or manually

Set rules to trigger marketing notifications when your opportunity interacts in a way that aligns with your objective

Get started

Easily manage your leads with AI-powered workflows

Make the best out of your sales talents. Work on acquiring better customers by striking meaningful conversations. All in one ecosystem.

Close sales with intelligence. Build connections that keep coming back.

Start your trial today.
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Powered By Bento Labs

Bento Labs is a new-age startup that blends practicality with SaaS for companies that want to scale their processes with use cases that truly matter! The bigger picture? Building value for money software for even the smallest business needs.