
Pre-sales solutions to win quality leads

Enhance prospecting by qualifying leads with AI. Take your pre-sales process to the next level—all on one platform to manage conversations and build better relationships.
Propflo real estate crm software
Lead organization

Organize and assess your leads

Organize your leads, add relevant information to their profiles, assign them as tasks for users, and create a timeline of engagement.

Import leads from CSV, website, social media, and more

Tag leads with relevant source or other user defined criteria

Add running notes and comments to lead profiles

Assign leads as tasks for users to connect via call or message

Artificial intelligence

Schedule sales calls with customer insights

Directly schedule calls, and use AI to research keywords, and generate conversation starters from lead profiles.

Schedule sales calls from lead profile page

Use AI-researched keywords for context in conversations

Use AI-generated openers to start conversations


Use AI to prioritize, assign, and win leads

Streamline your sales process and assignments to win better leads more efficiently.

AI based scoring and insights

AI generated lead attributes

Auto calculated engagement score based on interaction data

Auto populate insights with keywords, professional and personal details, feeds

Assign leads to salespersons

Direct assignment by system

Round-Robin assignment for equal distribution

Manual assignment by administrator

Get started

Bring information and ease of use to your pre-sales process

Organize and prioritize leads, schedule calls with relevant context, and use AI to assist with lead assignment and acquisition—all in one robust CRM.

Close sales with intelligence. Build connections that keep coming back.

Start your trial today.
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Powered By Bento Labs

Bento Labs is a new-age startup that blends practicality with SaaS for companies that want to scale their processes with use cases that truly matter! The bigger picture? Building value for money software for even the smallest business needs.